ClevaFoam® Technology

Researched and developed with the world-renowned University at Trinity College in Dublin, our advanced ClevaFoam® technology is specifically engineered, designed and manufactured for babies. It supports your baby’s rapidly growing body and developing joints, it protects the round shape of your baby’s soft head to help prevent Plagiocephaly (Flat Head Syndrome), which is common in young babies. It is the only product scientifically proven to reduce pressure on the back of a baby’s head by 50% and to increase support by 80% (Trinity College, University of Dublin, Ireland). Hypoallergenic, pH balanced and toxin free it is ideal for babies and children with asthma and allergies.

What is Plagiocephaly?

Deformational Plagiocephaly (DP) is a medical condition, more commonly known as ‘flat head syndrome’ (FHS), which occurs when an infant’s head becomes flatten and or misshaped due to the head continually resting on a surface that does not conform or support the shape of a baby’s head. Infant heads are soft to allow for the initial passage through the birth canal and then for the incredible brain growth that occurs in the first year of life. During the early months of life, they are more susceptible to being “molded” into a flat shape or taking the form of the surface that the skull is in contact with.


Normal Skull top view   

Positional flattening

Plagiocephaly develops when an infant’s rapidly growing head attempts to expand, and meets some type of resistance— either prenatally in the mother’s womb, or more commonly after delivery because the back or side of a baby’s head is pressed against a mattress, car seat or other flat surface. This condition affects many infants, especially since the widespread introduction of the “Back to Sleep” campaign which recommends that babies are placed to sleep on their back (supine sleep) that was introduced in 1994 and has made significant inroads to reducing the number of SID’s (Cot Deaths), by an estimated 46% in some countries. However, the by-product of the supine sleeping is a significant increase of FHS which is now at epidemic proportions according the AAP (American Academy of Paediatrics) affecting nearly 50% of all baby by the age of 2 moments. (, 2013).

Further to this, babies suffering from Torticollis are also at risk of developing FHS due the nature of the condition, which is a tight or shortened muscle in one side of the neck causes the head to tilt or turn to one side, resulting in the infant resting its head in the same position. Designed with safety in mind, ClevaFoam® is the only product scientifically proven to reduce the pressure on the back of your baby’s head by 50% and increase support by 80%, thereby helping to prevent Flat Head Syndrome.

47% of babies are known to be affected by Plagiocephaly
*Calgary Mount Royal University Study 2013

ClevaFoam® Executive Summary of Report

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